“EWH was one of the most influential experiences I’ve had the privilege to participate in. Working in global health is a passion of mine now, and I learned an appreciation for different cultures, experiences, viewpoints, and people. I also learned quite a bit about engineering, and a focus on long-term reliable and sustainable design has impacted the current work I do.” - Summer Institute Alum

Dear Friend of EWH,

As a supporter of Engineering World Health, you already know that EWH’s student volunteers fix vital hospital equipment in low-income countries around the world.

In 2019, our 173 student volunteers fixed 2,010 machines worth approximately $4 million.

This equipment immediately saved lives in Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Cambodia, and Nepal.

But the impact goes deeper: the volunteers taught local technicians, nurses and doctors how to repair and correctly use equipment. They completed improvements to their hospitals’ infrastructure: a call system for nurses, a water distillation unit, a hospital alarm system, stabilized oxygen canisters, equipment inventories, and digital systems to track repairs.

The value EWH volunteers bring to their hospitals is evidenced by the fact that we are invited back to the same hospitals, year after year.

Every bit as important, EWH changes the lives of our student volunteers.

Our alumni survey, conducted in 2019, showed the influence of EWH continues in our alumni’s professional and personal lives. Many continue to work in global health and engineering. And they volunteer: 80% of them!

They have assisted refugees, translated for health clinics, provided primary health care as physicians, installed solar panels, reforested, repaired donated medical equipment, and worked in medical missions, rescue missions, and post-disaster rebuilding missions. More than half of our respondents plan to do more global health volunteer work in the near future.

Whether in North Carolina, Oregon, or New York, in Panama, Ethiopia, Nepal, or Ghana, it’s clear that EWH Institute alumni continue to do good work for their communities and the world long after their Institute experience has ended. 

Because you’re receiving this email, we know we’ve connected with you in some way – as a volunteer, a parent, an educator, a supporter.

We know you share our commitment to making the world a more caring, healthier place.

Your help enables the next generation of young volunteers to keep the work going and growing. Please be generous.

To your good health,

Prototype for the University of Illinois' Hearing Test Device

Leslie J. Calman, Ph.D.

CEO, Engineering World Health