For our second year partnering with the University of New South Wales, EWH’s January Institute in Cambodia has 23 students from UNSW and the University of Sydney. After a couple weeks getting oriented at the University of Puthisastra in Phnom Penh, the students moved on to their hospital assignments.


Repairing Operating Light with BMET Mr. Ra

Here are some updates from our Summer Institute Coordinator & Cambodia program’s On-the-Ground Coordinator, Maddy:

Week 1: During their first week volunteering in Cambodian hospitals, the EWH participants repaired over 60 pieces of medical equipment, renovated one BMET workshop, translated error messages and manuals, exchanged knowledge with local BMETs, and made many new friends. Engineering World Health would like to express our gratitude to our partners at the hospitals and the University of Puthisastra for making this possible.


Secondary Project: Creating Workshop Space

Week 2: Engineering students from the University of New South Wales and University of Sydney, Australia, have completed their second week volunteering in Cambodian hospitals to repair medical equipment.

They are settling in to their hospitals and getting to know the staff. Working directly with hospital staff ensures our students can have the greatest impact as they address areas of greatest need and are able to train staff on proper use and maintenance of repaired medical equipment. The students, in turn, learn more about engineering in a low-resource environment through this exchange.


Jen & Mr. Van Removing Burnt Out Parts on PCB


Trying to Fix a Blown Up PCB

Week 3: Students have spent the last three weeks repairing medical equipment, testing the equipment, and preparing to train staff on unfamiliar equipment. In addition, they are carrying out "Secondary Projects," which may be technical or non-technical projects based on the needs of each team’s hospital. Last week at Kampot Provincial Referral Hospital, the three students painted a building. The secondary projects allow students to give back to the hospitals in as many ways as possible.

Hospital_Bed_Repair_Cambodia_2017      Painting_Building_Cambodia_2017

Kampot Team - Repairing Hospital Beds (Left) and After Painting Hospital Building (Right)

The January Institute in Cambodia is almost over! With one week left before the final conference, students are working hard to accomplish as much as possible before they return home. Special thanks to Dr. Lauren Kark from the University of New South Wales, whose partnership and enthusiasm for this program has made the Cambodia January Institute possible.