Hello Friends,                                    

All of our Summer Institute programs are in full swing as our 2016 participants are currently on the ground in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Nepal!

That's not all we're up to. Check out the latest from our BMET Training program, our student program, and our friends at Sparo Labs!

News From BMET Cambodia


Big news from our BMET Training Program in Cambodia! In May, our first group of students completed their National Exit Exams for an associate degree in biomedical technology, which will be recognized by Cambodia's Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Youth, & Sport. In the picture above, a student undertakes his practical assessment of fault finding in an anesthesia machine while MOH and MoEYS representatives observe the test.

In other big and very exciting news, our partner, the University of Puthisastra, has hired Mr. Dhritiman Das, who has been an EWH mentor and trainer for BMET Cambodia. Mr. Das will lead the BMET Department & BMET Clinic as the program transitions to UP leadership. EWH's country coordinator, Mr. Ung Kunthear, will also stay with UP as a staff member of the BMET Department, helping to ensure a smooth continuation of the program.

Biomedical Instrumentation Kits


Want to improve your hands-on skills in circuitry and instrumentation this summer? Making classroom plans for next semester? Check out our biomedical instrumentation Kits! Our ECG Simulator Kits and Optical Heart Rate Monitor Kits are great tools for exploring the principles of electronics and biomedical engineering. Read more about them here.

Sparo Labs UpdateSparo_Logo

Back in November, the winning team of EWH's 2012 Design Competition - now Sparo Labs - successfully crowdfunded their flagship product, Wing. We are excited to hear that this month the FDA completed their review and Sparo Labs received their official FDA clearance letter for Wing® as the first over-the-counter connected device for measuring lung function!

Visit their website to find out more about Wing.