Last year, EWH successfully transitioned our BMET Training program in Cambodia to our educational partner, the University of Puthisastra. Since then, EWH-trained staff and teachers have continued running the accredited program. Students who complete the program graduate with an associates degree in biomedical technology.

This year, the University of Puthisastra and our friends in the BMET program hosted January Institute students from Australia for the second time.


Maddy Bishop VanHorn, the OTGC in Cambodia & EWH's new Summer Institute Engineering Coordinator, writes:

"University of Puthisastra recently hosted 23 Biomedical Engineering students from University of New South Wales and University of Sydney, Australia. The students are participants in the Engineering World Health January Institute Program. During their time at UP, they have lived with local families, studied Khmer language, practiced troubleshooting medical equipment with the UP BMET staff, visited hospitals, and found sources for spare parts in Phnom Penh. For the next five weeks, they will be volunteering in provincial hospitals around Cambodia repairing medical equipment alongside local technicians and engineers."

In many cases, Australian students will work alongside Cambodian BMETs and BMET students, faciliating an international exchange of knowledge. This partnership and collaboration helps both groups of engineers expand their understanding of medical equipment function and design, and fosters global connections in the biomedical community.


 Look-Gruu_Teaching_Cambodia_Khmer    Cambodia_January_2017_Lab