EWH Blog

August News

August News
As Fall approaches, there's no rest for the staff at EWH! As we finish up a successful set of 2019 Summer Institutes, we're hard at work planning 3 Institutes beginning in December (in Guatemala, Cambodia and Uganda) and 8 -- count 'em -- 8 Summer Institutes. We'll be in Kenya for the first time, and in Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda,Guatemala, and Nepal. There will be two separate Institutes in the Dominican Republic. We're so glad for your participation and support as we grow.…

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February News: At Home or Abroad, EWH Students Build a Healthier Future

February News: At Home or Abroad, EWH Students Build a Healthier Future
Thank you to everyone who supported us during our Annual Appeal! Your generous donations help us develop new Institute programs, maintain our BMET Library, foster our student programs, and more. Check out how university students are learning about medical devices and using their skills to improve healthcare, whether they're on their home campuses or abroad:…

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April News: SI 2018 is About to Begin!

April News: SI 2018 is About to Begin!
In just a couple of weeks, our first Summer Institute programs will begin! We invite you to support our participants as they begin training to work in our partner hospitals. You help Engineering World Health fulfill its mission.…

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EWH June News: A Tale of Two Centrifuges

EWH June News: A Tale of Two Centrifuges
All of our Summer Institute programs are in full swing as our 2017 participants are currently on the ground in Nicaragua, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and Nepal! That's not all we're up to. Check out our January Institute photo albums, and the latest news about our BMET Library and Kits!…

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February News

February News
First, thank you again for all of your support over the holiday season. Your generosity allows us to continue building a strong, global network of biomedical engineers and technicians focused on improving healthcare systems in the developing world. Now, here's a look at what EWH is up to.…

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