EWH Blog

February News: At Home or Abroad, EWH Students Build a Healthier Future

February News: At Home or Abroad, EWH Students Build a Healthier Future
Thank you to everyone who supported us during our Annual Appeal! Your generous donations help us develop new Institute programs, maintain our BMET Library, foster our student programs, and more. Check out how university students are learning about medical devices and using their skills to improve healthcare, whether they're on their home campuses or abroad:…

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Say Hello to the 2019 January Institute Coordinators!

Say Hello to the 2019 January Institute Coordinators!
The 2019 January Institutes are fast approaching! Before they begin, we’d like to introduce our new On-the-Ground Coordinators. OTGCs are crucial to the day-to-day running of each program, working to ensure that participants learn everything they can in the classroom, adjust well to their homestays and hospital placements, and accomplish their mission of repairing medical equipment and improving the care their hospitals are able to offer.…

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Coming Together in West Africa

Coming Together in West Africa
Engineering World Health (EWH) strongly believes the key to succeeding in our mission is building strong partnerships wherever we go. That’s why we’re joining Medshare International in Coca-Cola Nigeria’s “Safe Birth Initiative” to support the Ministry of Health in Nigeria in reducing maternal and newborn mortalities. Engineering World Health focuses on the repair and maintenance of medical equipment in health facilities as well building the capacity of local personnel to manage and maintain lifesaving equipment without depending on external support. The in-house capability is essential for seamless provision of healthcare that saves lives.…

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For several years, Engineering World Health has partnered with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) to send student volunteers to Nepal. The program has grown and matured, and we’d like to share its interesting origins: In 2014, DTU student David Kovacs was a participant in the EWH Summer Institute in Tanzania. By this time, he’d already spent some time in Nepal, and was eager to put his skills to work in Tanzania. During the summer, David became convinced that EWH’s services were needed in Nepal. During the final conference, David pitched the idea to visiting EWH CEO, Leslie Calman. Together, they began putting together a program.…

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