EWH Blog

Big News from EWH

Big News from EWH
We've got some big news! Our office is relocating to Durham, NC. In even bigger news, our CEO, Leslie Calman, is planning to retire by the end of this year after 7 years with EWH.…

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Support Future EWH Institute Volunteers

Support Future EWH Institute Volunteers
“EWH was one of the most influential experiences I’ve had the privilege to participate in. Working in global health is a passion of mine now, and I learned an appreciation for different cultures, experiences, viewpoints, and people. I also learned quite a bit about engineering, and a focus on long-term reliable and sustainable design has impacted the current work I do.” - Summer Institute Alum…

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October News: Design Competition Winners

October News: Design Competition Winners
We are excited to share with you the winners of the 2019 Design Competition! Also, the applications for Summer Institutes in 2020 are now open. Find out more below or visit our website to learn how you can join.…

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August News

August News
As Fall approaches, there's no rest for the staff at EWH! As we finish up a successful set of 2019 Summer Institutes, we're hard at work planning 3 Institutes beginning in December (in Guatemala, Cambodia and Uganda) and 8 -- count 'em -- 8 Summer Institutes. We'll be in Kenya for the first time, and in Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda,Guatemala, and Nepal. There will be two separate Institutes in the Dominican Republic. We're so glad for your participation and support as we grow.…

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Happy 15th Birthday to EWH's Institute Programs!

Happy 15th Birthday to EWH's Institute Programs!
As part of our effort to evaluate our Institute programs, Engineering World Health regularly surveys past participants on a variety of topics, including education, volunteer work, and professional experience. For our 15th Year Census, we received 126 responses. Institute Alumni from every year since the Institutes began in 2004 responded, with 40% of responses from Alumni before 2015, and 60% from 2015 to 2019.…

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