EWH Blog

BMET Round Up

BMET Round Up
Ed Hutton, our Chief Operating Officer, brings us quick updates from our BMET programs around the globe:…

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EWH at VCU Chapter Brings STEM to Richmond Middle Schoolers

EWH at VCU Chapter Brings STEM to Richmond Middle Schoolers
Last Saturday, EWH at VCU hosted a Kit Day with the Math Science Innovation Center, and it was a success! We had five volunteers total (Millie Shah, Sindora Baddam, Nilan Vaghjiani, Andy Vo, and myself), and about 20 middle school students from the Richmond, Virginia, area joined our session.…

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EWH UC San Diego Chapter Hosts HealthHack 2016

EWH UC San Diego Chapter Hosts HealthHack 2016
Last weekend, EWH’s UC San Diego Chapter held their second annual HealthHack, hosting 110 students from various engineering and science backgrounds. The goal: create a design or prototype to solve a serious global health problem.…

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