EWH Blog

Students Come Together in Rwanda

Students Come Together in Rwanda
The Summer Institute in Rwanda began last week! Nineteen students from seven countries have all come together in Kigali to start learning Kinyarwanda, French, and technical skills to prepare for their second month of working in Rwandan hospitals.…

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Summer Institute 2016 Begins In Nicaragua

Summer Institute 2016 Begins In Nicaragua
On May 16, 23 students arrived in Nicaragua to begin Summer Institute 2016! Here’s how it’s going so far: Written by Brian Ramos, On-The-Ground-Coordinator in Nicaragua After the first week in Granada, students are starting to get the hang of things and starting to learn how to deal with immersion into a new culture. They are especially enjoying Spanish classes.…

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April News: EWH's Summer Institute 2016 is About to Begin!

April News: EWH's Summer Institute 2016 is About to Begin!
We are wrapping up another academic year with our 45 university Chapters, many of which brought STEM education to K-12 students, submitted Design Competition projects, and increased biomedical and global health knowledge through workshops, lectures, and public events. Thank you so much for your support, which allows us to provide these incredible opportunities for young engineers! Looking ahead, we can't wait for Summer Institute 2016!…

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EWH Goes to US #SciFest

EWH Goes to US #SciFest
Last weekend, EWH participated in the USA Science & Engineering Festival. The national #SciFest is a free, public event designed to celebrate innovations in STEM and introduce a wide audience to the many, many ways in which people can explore and work in STEM fields.…

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