EWH Blog

Hands-on Learning at Nigeria BMET Training Program

Hands-on Learning at Nigeria BMET Training Program
Written by Areli Rodriguez, EWH's Communications & Development Intern Although theory-based lectures teach students a great deal about biomedical equipment and how it works, working with the equipment boosts their learning to new levels. At the BMET training program in Nigeria, students got to do just that.…

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EWH April News: New Kits Coming Soon!

EWH April News: New Kits Coming Soon!
April is a month filled with preparation at Engineering World Health as we finalize arrangements with our new Summer Institute participants. Along with that, this year we're looking forward to hosting many of you at our upcoming Board events. And last but not least, EWH is excited to announce a new Kit is on its way! Find out more about what EWH is up to.…

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EWH UC San Diego Hosts 3rd Annual HealthHack

EWH UC San Diego Hosts 3rd Annual HealthHack
For the third year in a row, the EWH Chapter at the University of California – San Diego hosted their HealthHack. This year, 181 participants could choose one of two tracks: health care delivery or refugee health. This highly interdisciplinary and collaborative event featured more than 35 completed proposals, with support from 57 mentors and judges from a variety of fields, and awarded $12,000 in prize money.…

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University of Toronto EWH Chapter Hosts 3rd Annual Symposium

University of Toronto EWH Chapter Hosts 3rd Annual Symposium
Written by Jen Ma, with the University of Toronto EWH Chapter: The University of Toronto’s third annual Engineering World Health symposium, themed Origins and Opportunities, hosted a number of speakers and workshops to share innovative ideas about world health. Engineers and non-engineers alike were drawn to the full-day event and enjoyed speaker-sessions, panel discussions, interactive workshops as well as a networking lunch and poster session.…

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February News

February News
First, thank you again for all of your support over the holiday season. Your generosity allows us to continue building a strong, global network of biomedical engineers and technicians focused on improving healthcare systems in the developing world. Now, here's a look at what EWH is up to.…

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