The 2019 January Institutes are fast approaching! Before they begin, we’d like to introduce our new On-the-Ground Coordinators. OTGCs are crucial to the day-to-day running of each program, working to ensure that participants learn everything they can in the classroom, adjust well to their homestays and hospital placements, and accomplish their mission of repairing medical equipment and improving the care their hospitals are able to offer.

Please welcome the wonderful OTGCs for the 2019 January Institutes:

Jessica Luff PhotoJessica Luff – from Sydney, Australia; student at the University of New South Wales

Where are you working with EWH in 2019? The January Institute in Cambodia.

Past Programs: Participant in 2018 Cambodia.

What are your academic or professional interests or achievements?

I have a great passion for robotics and prosthetics and would love to work on robotic limbs in my future career.

Why do you want to work with EWH?

The Summer Institute is an awesome experience unlike anything else I have been involved in at university. I'm so excited to help bring that experience to this year's Summer Institute students.

What are you looking forward to most as an OTGC?

I'm looking forward to seeing more of Cambodia and having the opportunity to visit all the hospitals we work with.


Will Lewin PhotoWill Lewin – from Sydney, Australia; student at the University of New South Wales

Where are you working with EWH in 2019? The January Institute in Cambodia

Past Programs: 2016 Cambodia

What are your academic or professional interests or achievements?

Being a part of EWH is definitely one of my favorite achievements! I did the Summer Institute in Cambodia and came back to work closely with the EWH design team at my uni. I also run a 3D printing repair home business and work part time as a Mechatronics Engineer.

Why do you want to work with EWH?

EWH accomplishes amazing things for healthcare, worldwide. It's hard to not want to help with a goal like that. But for me, one of the most important things that I like about EWH is that it attracts all these great, altruistic people that you get to work alongside.

What are you looking forward to most as an OTGC next summer?

I'm so excited to see all the volunteers learn a bit more about another culture, repairing, and themselves. All while achieving really amazing things in their hospital placements! It's like reliving the awesome experience I had the first time but 40 times over and I get to help make it even better!


Thomas Ryan PhotoThomas Ryan – from California, USA; student at the University of Portland

Where are you working with EWH in 2019? The January Institute in Guatemala.

Past Programs: Participant in 2018 Dominican Republic.

What are your academic or professional interests or achievements?

I am a Math and Physics tutor as well as a Media Technician for my university’s Information Services Department. Outside of work, I love hiking, biking, and messing around with my 3D Printer.

Why do you want to work with EWH?

I want to pay forward my awesome experience with EWH to more participants. I want the students to have an awesome, educating, and eye opening experience as I did. Working through EWH, I developed a whole new lens on engineering in the developing world. I learned that as people with access to basic goods, we can help those in need using our engineering mindsets tremendously.

What are you looking forward to most as an OTGC?

Meeting a ton of new people and immersing myself in a brand new, Spanish-speaking culture!


Megan Lavery PhotoMegan Lavery – from Virginia, USA; works as Engineering World Health’s Institute Manager

Where are you working with EWH in 2019? The January Institute in Uganda.

Past Programs: Participant in 2016 Rwanda.

What are your academic or professional interests or achievements?

I graduated from VCU in 2017 after studying biomedical engineering and international studies. I have since been working as a biomedical technician.

Why do you want to work with EWH?

I’m passionate about improving healthcare in low-resource areas. Working with EWH allows me to use my skills to address a need while learning about and experiencing other cultures.

What are you looking forward to most as an OTGC?

Working with students. I’m hoping I can help them develop their skills and they’re able to gain as much from the program as I did.


Thank you so much to our OTGCs for introducing themselves! We can’t wait to see the awesome work you all do!