EWH Blog

Say Hello to the 2019 January Institute Coordinators!

Say Hello to the 2019 January Institute Coordinators!
The 2019 January Institutes are fast approaching! Before they begin, we’d like to introduce our new On-the-Ground Coordinators. OTGCs are crucial to the day-to-day running of each program, working to ensure that participants learn everything they can in the classroom, adjust well to their homestays and hospital placements, and accomplish their mission of repairing medical equipment and improving the care their hospitals are able to offer.…

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Introducing the 2018 Summer Institute Coordinators!

With a record number of Institute programs running in 2018, we've got a lot of On-the-Ground Coordinators to introduce! As we mentioned last week, OTGCs are crucial to the day-to-day running of each program, working to ensure that participants learn everything they can in the classroom, adjust well to their homestays and hospital placements, and accomplish their mission of repairing medical equipment and improving the care their hospitals are able to offer.…

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Meet the 2018 January Institute Coordinators!

As you may know from some of our past blogs, On-the-Ground Coordinators (OTGCs) play a vital role in EWH’s Summer & January Institute programs. Our OTGCs are often, but not always, past participants in the programs. As coordinators, they work in-country for 3-10 weeks, helping to prepare for participants’ arrivals, serving as Teaching Assistants, and supporting participants in their hospital assignments. Our OTGCs come from around the world, and regularly display great passion and dedication in the intersection of global health and technology, as well as a strong sense of adventure. This year is no exception!…

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The Summer Institute Goes To Uganda!

The Summer Institute Goes To Uganda!
This year, EWH is running our first Summer Institute program in Uganda. The Uganda program builds on a strong partnership between Makerere University (a prestigious university in Uganda's capital, Kampala) and Duke University. Although the program still focuses on biomedical equipment support in hospitals, it has some key differences from our other programs.…

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Congratulations To Our Graduating Seniors!

Congratulations To Our Graduating Seniors!
Congratulations to all our EWH graduating seniors! We are so proud of all you've accomplished! We are especially tickled by the achievements of EWH alumni Reece Stevens, who just received the 2017 Cockrell School of Engineering Outstanding Scholar/Leader Award at the University of Texas, Austin.…

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