Congratulations to all our EWH graduating seniors! We are so proud of all you've accomplished! We are especially tickled by the achievements of EWH alumni Reece Stevens, who just received the 2017 Cockrell School of Engineering Outstanding Scholar/Leader Award at the University of Texas, Austin.


Reece & Francis cleaning equipment

Since 2014, Reece has been a steady “EWH-er” and it’s his activities with EWH that merited the leadership award upon his graduation. Reece has been Secretary and then President of UT Austin Chapter of EWH. His first field experience was as a participant in the EWH Summer Institute in Rwanda in 2014. He was outstanding in both technical prowess and ability to work with people, and we quickly hired him as an On-the-Ground Coordinator for the next year in Rwanda – He may have been our youngest OTGC ever.


Reece returns to his Rwandan homestay family

The work in Rwanda inspired Reece to form a Chapter team to design a much-needed medical instrument: a low-cost, low-energy-consuming, sturdy patient monitor for use in low-resource hospitals. Their design won first place in EWH’s 2015 Design competition (competing against a dozen other top university teams), and 2nd place in the prestigious NIH DEBUT National Design Competition. This was not just an “on paper” design. The team built a prototype and in January 2016, Reece brought the prototype to Nepal to test it and get feedback from potential users there. He and his team are working on bringing it into production.


Reece & Jen working in Nepal

Reece’s dedication to using his engineering skills to find solutions to global health challenges exemplifies EWH’s mission. We are grateful to Reece and to all of you who share in the work we do.

Many warm wishes to all our graduates! And please keep in touch!