Australia-Uganda Intensive

Australia-Uganda High School Intensive


This program is now completed. 

January 3 - January 21, 2021

In collaboration with the UNSW Girls in Engineering Club, Engineering World Health invites high school students from East Africa and Australia  to join a new virtual program. The course will focus on low-resource design and engineering for healthcare in an international setting. Participants will work in international teams to foster exchange and collaboration.

Students will work and learn together remotely throughout this course. Material will be taught by EWH engineers. The course will cover concepts for biomedical design, collaboration, ethics, and entrepreneurship as these topics relate to engineering for low-resource environments. Students work independently through self-directed learning modules as well as collaborate virtually in groups to further develop design ideas and exchange knowledge. Teams will also be assigned a program mentor from either Uganda, Australia, or the U.S. with significant engineering background and experience in low-resource hospitals to help them throughout this process.

Dates: The course runs on a three-week timeline, starting January 3 and ending January 21.

Students can expect to virtually meet with their groups two to three times per week throughout the program via zoom. Each of these meetings will be one hour long. Students should also expect to spend 2-4 hours per week working independently within the virtual classroom.

Cost: Free for students in East Africa. Students through the GIE club at UNSW should contact program leads.

Criteria: Participants must be aged 13-19 and be enrolled in school at the high school level or international equivalent. Students should have an interest in science, technology, math, and international exchange.

At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion. On request, EWH will gladly provide summary materials to present to your home university in support of any independent study credit you may seek.

Sign up here:

Please email [email protected] with any questions.