Dear Friends of EWH, ________________________

We're hiring!

EWH is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced candidate to fill the full time position of EWH Institute Manager. The EWH Institute Manager is responsible for 6-7 Institute programs. For 5-8 months a year, the Manager works closely with the EWH team in Chapel Hill, NC, coordinating and developing the programs. For the remainder of the year, they work in Asia, Africa, or Latin America serving as the OTGC for one Summer Institute and one January Institute.


Summer Institute:


The Summer Institutes are up and running in Guatemala, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania! Nepal and Mongolia will begin in July. And, EWH's new Institute in the Dominican Republic successfully wrapped up at the beginning of June:

Encouraged by EWH alumnus Will Reid Hernandez, who is a citizen of the Dominican Republic, EWH partnered with two universities to bring a new program to the DR. Students from the University of Portland and from Catholic University of America studied technical skills on their home campuses before setting out to the DR for 3 weeks of intensive repairs. Students lived and worked in Santiago, DR’s second largest city, located at high altitude amidst beautiful mountains. There was plenty of work to do, and our partner hospitals wanted to know, “when will you be back”? And so we will – watch for announcements for an expanded program in 2019!

Support Institute Participants Today

Ever Wonder What "Low-Resource" Means?

"Low-Resource" is one of those buzzwords in international development that gets used all the time but rarely discussed. In our latest blog, we unpack the term and talk about what resources are hard to find and which may be common in the places where we work.

January Institute 2018: Click on the photos below to see full albums:

Engineering World Health

151 E. Rosemary St, Suite 201
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Telephone: 1.984.234.3686

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